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Legal Help

Can a Prenuptial Agreement Be Overturned? What Makes It Invalid? 

Can a Prenuptial Agreement Be Overturned? What Makes It Invalid? 

Only 5 to 10% of Canadians have a prenuptial agreement, but that number is rising, especially among millennials. Over 52% of millennials now want a prenup before marriage, reflecting a shift in how younger generations approach financial security.  With people marrying later in life, many enter relationships with established careers, properties, and savings they want […]

What Happens to Joint Debt After a Divorce in Ontario?

What Happens to Joint Debt After a Divorce in Ontario?

When you’ve shared years together in marriage, managing money often becomes a team effort. But when a marriage ends, untangling joint finances can get messy fast. Who’s responsible for the mortgage? What happens to the car loan or that shared credit card? These conversations can quickly escalate into heated arguments. Thankfully, Ontario family law provides […]